Saturday 27 October 2012

Eloise Renouf

I'm very excited to showcase Eloise Renouf. I came across Eloise Renoufs' work in Uppercase magazine and instantly fell in love with her work. What the lady can do with marks is almost criminal! She is most certainly on my list of designers who inspire and give me the permission to go free and create.....

Eloise is a textile designer and stationary designer living in Nottingham, England. She has designed prints for both London and New York studios.

All my work begins life as hand-drawn, painted or printed elements which then develop into collages, paintings or digitally manipulated pieces. My favourite materials are dip pen and ink, gouache and acrylic paint, and paper and I never tire of the endless possibilities these afford. Initially I tend to work intuitively with shape and form, building areas of pattern or creating decorative shapes which can then be combined and arranged to create a full image.

My subject matter tends to be drawn from the natural world; so stylised flowers, trees, leaves and clouds are recurring themes in my pieces. These tend to be simplified, modernised and reduced to the most basic elements, which are then re-enhanced with colour, pattern and texture. I also like to work with abstract shapes and forms, but again these are often organic in nature.
(courtesy of Eloise Renouf - )

If you love Eloise's design's as much as I do you can buy her prints at her Etsy shop :

Friday 26 October 2012

The Random Project

Well I wasn't having a particular pleasant week my landlord has decided to hike up my rent (so its time to move) and my final work submission didn't email through properly (I didn't find out until after the deadline!!) I'd worked hard on those designs! I had a moment when the blood drained from my face and then a slight panic. Not one to dwell on the negative. I decided to make something positive out of it and came up with the idea of 'The Random Project'. I suppose its not a new idea a bit like a picture journal. I will use subject, feeling, experiences to draw scribbles on how I'm feeling....what ever pops in my head really. Here is the results from today's scribbling from the main events this week.

Moving  home is obviously on my mind

 I will probably make a design collection out of the scribbles. I find I am happiest in my design when I let go and scribble away.

Thursday 25 October 2012

And the journey continues.....

I have recently finished the ABSPD course. The course was created and run by two very inspirational ladies, acclaimed textile designer Rachael Taylor and Beth Nicholls. I highly recommend it if you want to enter the world of surface pattern design. Its quite intense with an abundance of inside information but the knowledge you acquire and the amazing contacts you gain makes this course invaluable.

I probably didn't make full use of all the opportunities I should have....there's alot! ( & work got in the way). I certainly discovered a lot about my self....the course was an emotional journey for me there was highs and lows but it gave me the confidence to keep challenging to believe in myself and pushing through the design boundaries to lead me on the path to becoming a better designer.

The first issue of Moyo - an online magazine dedicated to surface pattern design. Created by  Rachael Taylor and Beth Nicholls.
If you are looking to learn the business side of surface pattern design you can check out the course here

Monday 22 October 2012


Welcome to my creative voyage. I hope you stay with me for my journey and share my highs and lows of reaching my creative dreams of owning/running my own label and designing surface pattern for home wares, stationary and other exciting products.

A start of a design collection - Retrovision

The last 6 years has seen me go through a number of jobs none of which made me happy when the realisation hit me about 3 years ago I needed to be creative! ( a bit crazy to think when I've loved drawing since I could hold a pencil). So the need has manifested it's self so much I have to make it my job and I have been designing like crazy ever since.

Part of the retrovision collection

Over the next 3 months I will be making 3 entries a week chronicle of my sucessful and not so successful attempts at getting myself out there and I invite you on my personal tour (Helpful tips, comments, offers to work with me or just wanting to chat are most welcome).

My day today (I had a day off ...and yes the boss knew) hanging out  at master plaster fun  (a ceramic painting studio at the bottom of my street...handy) with best buddy and her gorgeous little man

This is my effort, it needs to be put in the kiln and due for pick up next week....check back for the final  result.